Defense Department Admits to Human Population Control


Defense Department Admits to Human Population Control

“A very dark philosophy is spreading like wildfire among the global elite…an obsessive belief that humanity has become a cancer that is destroying the earth.”

It would be very difficult to understate just how obsessed many members of the global elite are with human  population control. There are now large numbers of global leaders that are convinced that the exploding population of the world has become like a virus or a plague, and that it must be combated as such. The United Nations puts out position papers about it, universities have entire courses dedicated to it, radical population control advocates have been appointed to some of the highest political positions in the world and some of the wealthiest people on the planet get together just to talk about it.” – Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream, “Yes, They Really Do Want To Reduce The Population.”

Now the United States Department of Defense not only admits to it — the agency openly identifies population control as one of the “core missions” of the U.S. military.

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What is the New World Order and Why Does it Matter?


What is the New World Order? | Patriots and Paulies Politics and News


New World Order by H.G. Wells

Fabian socialist H.G. Wells set the stage for the sci fi deception of the new world order.

“All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order”  ~ David Rockefeller

“We will have a world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.” ~ Paul Warburg

Unfortunately, we have been programmed and conditioned from the earliest years to not believe in the existence, or even the possibility, of large-scale conspiracies such as New World Order. Students of history learn in introductory courses that there are three views of the philosophy of history.

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Revealed: The Four Horsemen of the U.S. Apocalypse


Revealed: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

12 Blatant Examples of The New World Order Openly Mocking Us



12 Images That Demonstrate How The New World Order Openly Mocks Us

New World Order, Illuminati Openly Mock UsIf you know what to look for, it quickly becomes obvious that the elite of the world are not even trying to hide their insidious plans for the planet. They hope to unite the entire globe under their leadership, and they don’t think that we are strong enough or smart enough to stop them.

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VIDEO: CNBC Admits We’re All Slaves to Central Banks via WakeUp2NWO

“Do we all work for Central Bankers? Is this Global Governance at last? Is it One World.. with the Central Bankers in charge?”

“To answer your question: We are absolutely slaves to Central Banks

Mainstream Media Admits 14 Conspiracy Theories Are Conspiracy Fact!



14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts

— Michael Snyder (BLN Contributing Writer) 

How many times have you heard the mainstream media dismiss certain points of view as “conspiracy theories”?  It seems as though one of the easiest ways to brush something off is to label it as something that only “conspiracy theorists” would believe.  Well, you know what?  A whole lot of the time the “conspiracy theorists” are right and the mainstream media is wrong.  In fact, we owe a great debt to “conspiracy theorists” because they will go places and investigate things that the mainstream media would never even touch.  The reality is that the mainstream media only tells us what the government and the big corporations want us to hear, and much of the time it is those in the alternative media that are left with the task of trying to figure out what the real truth is.  So don’t look down on conspiracy theories or conspiracy theorists.  In a world where almost everything we are told is a lie, the truth can be very difficult to find.

The following are 14 conspiracy theories that the media now admits are conspiracy facts….

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